
The List of the High Officials whose Asset Declarations are subject to Publishing has been Expanded

icon 27 Dec 2013
Civil Service Bureau has prepared Amendment to the Law of Georgia on the Conflict of Interests and Corruption in Public Service based on the NGOs recommendations in the framework of Open Government Partnership, as well as within the obligation of the EU-Georgia Visa Liberalisation Action Plan. Amendment (N1661-Is) was adopted on 29th of November 2013 and will enter into force from January 14th 2014.

In accordance with the amendment the following positions were added to the list of high officials who are obliged to submit asset declarations and whose declarations are publicly available on the web-page - www.declaration.gov.ge. Namely, these positions are:

    • All Heads of Public Legal Entities and their Deputies ;
    • Deputies of the Heads of Subordinate Institutions ;
    • Deputy Heads of Departments in all State Ministers' Offices ;
    • Heads of all Ministerial Divisions and their Deputies;
    • Heads of Ltds and JSCs created with 100% State or Local-Government share participation, also Heads of their Subsidiary Companies.

The exact list of the positions will be affirmed by the Decree of the Government of Georgia.

At present, more than 3 200 officials already fall under the obligation to submit their declarations. However, it is still important to expand the list in order to decreescorruption in public service of Georgia.




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